Pelumi Nubi, the intrepid traveller who embarked on a solo journey from London to Lagos by road, has been involved in a car accident, as depicted in the images she posted on the social media platform.The incident occurred shortly after her arrival in Liberia, where she had encountered previous challenges during her journey.
Sharing scenes from inside the ambulance and hospital, Pelumi captioned the car crash post, “Say a prayer for me.”
However, specific details regarding the accident and the extent of her injuries remain unclear at this time.
Pelumi commenced her journey from London to Lagos on January 31, 2024, embarking on a road trip fraught with various obstacles.
These challenges included a 24-hour hold at the Liberian border and being denied entry to Sierra Leone just last week.
Consequently, she has postponed her original return date, initially scheduled for March 23, 2024, to April 7, 2024.