As part of strategic interventions to restore dignity to women, girls and boys who were largely affected by boko Haram insurgency, the Northeast Development Commission in partnership with Ubola Rural community Foundation has distributed dignity kits to six hundred school students in Yobe state.
Children, women and girls were mostly affected by the decade long boko haram insurgency in the Northeast region.
Many affected children could not return to school due to the low income earned by their parents or guardians.
However, in bid to restore the dignity of school students and give them sense of equity, this equality win program was put together by Ubola Rural community Foundation.
Officials of the Northeast development commission witnessed the distribution of the dignity kits and speaks on how it will impact the children to study well.
The first phase of the equality win program starts with Yobe, Adamawa and Bauchi, while the second phase will capture Taraba, Gombe and Borno states respectively.