With the theme, “Beyond Borders: Innovations and Solutions for the
Future of Development Journalism”, this year’s conference is poised to highlight the growing importance of innovative media practices and transformative solutions in shaping Africa’s development narrative.
ACDJ2024 will bring together a diverse group of journalists, mass
communication scholars, civil society leaders, development partners,
policymakers, and individuals committed to advancing development
journalism in Africa.
The conference serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas, the
sharing of innovative approaches, and the development of solutions that address the current and emerging challenges facing development journalism.
The conference promises to be exciting, with a blend of professional and academic insights, season journalists discussing new trends and
opportunities in the media, while scholars present their ongoing
This year, participants are required to pay a registration token.
During the conference, the organiser, Africa Media Department Foundation (AMDF” will honour outstanding achievements in journalism through the prestigious “Journalist of the Year Awards.”
To enter the 2024 edition of the awards, submit your application before October 15, 2024 via this link https://conference.amdf-centre
Since its inception in 2017, the ACDJ has attracted key figures,
including: Prof. Umaru Pate, Vice-Chancellor, Federal University Kashere, Gombe State; Prof. Ezekiel Asema, Vice-Chancellor, Glorious University Ogwa, Edo State; Dr. Lola Mabongunje, National Team Lead, SuNMaP2; Mr. Akin Jimoh, Founder, Development Communications Network, Lagos.
We warmly invite you to join us for this exciting event in December! To register or submit an abstract, please visit the conference website
For more information on the conference, please contact the conference administrator, Sekyen Dadik,
Phone: +234 (0) 809 089 9927,
Email: conference@amdf-centre.org