The Raw Materials Research and development Council is partnering with the Ahmadu Bello University in local production of Personal Protective Equipment.
The aim is to provide adequate protection for frontline health workers as the country battles to contain the corona virus’ spread.
The coronavirus disease continues to steadily spread in Nigeria with over thirteen thousand cases at the moment.

The Center for Disease Control says the country is in the middle of bad outbreak and has yet to reach its peak.
Hundreds of frontline health workers have already been infected with the virus and many have died.
Though local production of personal protective equipment already exists in Nigeria, the raw materials development Council is working with the academia to further drive output of these gears.
The agency says it is also involved in efforts aimed at discovering a vaccine for the disease as well as anti-virals that could aid recovery by those infected. This is with the active support of the academia.
The Ahmadu Bello University authourities wants to partner with the council on the production of more quality products using the country’s vast resources.