Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly-Boy or Area-Fada, on Wednesday filed a suit at the FCT High Court, Maitama, against the Commissioner of Police in FCT for alleged violation of his rights demanding N500m for damages.
Oputa is demanding the enforcement of his fundamental rights pursuant to Sections 34, 39, and 40 and 46 (1) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).
He is asking the court to declare that the use of teargas, canisters, water cannon and wild police dogs to harass and disperse his group was contrary to the provisions of the constitution.
The group had demanded that President Muhammadu Buhari return from his medical leave in London to resume work or resign.
The suit has yet to be assigned.
Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly-Boy or Area-Fada, on Wednesday filed a suit at the FCT High Court, Maitama, against the Commissioner of Police in FCT for alleged violation of his rights demanding N500m for damages.
Oputa is demanding the enforcement of his fundamental rights pursuant to Sections 34, 39, and 40 and 46 (1) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).
He is asking the court to declare that the use of teargas, canisters, water cannon and wild police dogs to harass and disperse his group was contrary to the provisions of the constitution.
The group had demanded that President Muhammadu Buhari return from his medical leave in London to resume work or resign.
The suit has yet to be assigned.
Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly-Boy or Area-Fada, on Wednesday filed a suit at the FCT High Court, Maitama, against the Commissioner of Police in FCT for alleged violation of his rights demanding N500m for damages.
Oputa is demanding the enforcement of his fundamental rights pursuant to Sections 34, 39, and 40 and 46 (1) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).
He is asking the court to declare that the use of teargas, canisters, water cannon and wild police dogs to harass and disperse his group was contrary to the provisions of the constitution.
The group had demanded that President Muhammadu Buhari return from his medical leave in London to resume work or resign.
The suit has yet to be assigned.
Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly-Boy or Area-Fada, on Wednesday filed a suit at the FCT High Court, Maitama, against the Commissioner of Police in FCT for alleged violation of his rights demanding N500m for damages.
Oputa is demanding the enforcement of his fundamental rights pursuant to Sections 34, 39, and 40 and 46 (1) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).
He is asking the court to declare that the use of teargas, canisters, water cannon and wild police dogs to harass and disperse his group was contrary to the provisions of the constitution.
The group had demanded that President Muhammadu Buhari return from his medical leave in London to resume work or resign.
The suit has yet to be assigned.
Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly-Boy or Area-Fada, on Wednesday filed a suit at the FCT High Court, Maitama, against the Commissioner of Police in FCT for alleged violation of his rights demanding N500m for damages.
Oputa is demanding the enforcement of his fundamental rights pursuant to Sections 34, 39, and 40 and 46 (1) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).
He is asking the court to declare that the use of teargas, canisters, water cannon and wild police dogs to harass and disperse his group was contrary to the provisions of the constitution.
The group had demanded that President Muhammadu Buhari return from his medical leave in London to resume work or resign.
The suit has yet to be assigned.
Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly-Boy or Area-Fada, on Wednesday filed a suit at the FCT High Court, Maitama, against the Commissioner of Police in FCT for alleged violation of his rights demanding N500m for damages.
Oputa is demanding the enforcement of his fundamental rights pursuant to Sections 34, 39, and 40 and 46 (1) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).
He is asking the court to declare that the use of teargas, canisters, water cannon and wild police dogs to harass and disperse his group was contrary to the provisions of the constitution.
The group had demanded that President Muhammadu Buhari return from his medical leave in London to resume work or resign.
The suit has yet to be assigned.
Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly-Boy or Area-Fada, on Wednesday filed a suit at the FCT High Court, Maitama, against the Commissioner of Police in FCT for alleged violation of his rights demanding N500m for damages.
Oputa is demanding the enforcement of his fundamental rights pursuant to Sections 34, 39, and 40 and 46 (1) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).
He is asking the court to declare that the use of teargas, canisters, water cannon and wild police dogs to harass and disperse his group was contrary to the provisions of the constitution.
The group had demanded that President Muhammadu Buhari return from his medical leave in London to resume work or resign.
The suit has yet to be assigned.
Charles Oputa, popularly known as Charly-Boy or Area-Fada, on Wednesday filed a suit at the FCT High Court, Maitama, against the Commissioner of Police in FCT for alleged violation of his rights demanding N500m for damages.
Oputa is demanding the enforcement of his fundamental rights pursuant to Sections 34, 39, and 40 and 46 (1) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).
He is asking the court to declare that the use of teargas, canisters, water cannon and wild police dogs to harass and disperse his group was contrary to the provisions of the constitution.
The group had demanded that President Muhammadu Buhari return from his medical leave in London to resume work or resign.
The suit has yet to be assigned.
Nonses,how can you go on protest without seeking permission from the authority concern.