As the world marks world population day, the United Nations Population Fund says the adoption of the landmark programme of action at the 1994 Cairo conference on population and development, is one of the most significant decisions ever made.
This has transformed the way countries address issues surrounding population and sustainable development.
It has been 25 years since the adoption of the landmark program of action which set the stage for addressing issues relating to health and well being of women
Members of the diplomatic community and donor partners gathered together at a workshop to re-commit Nigeria’s stand on the universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights which has become the corner stone of a redesigned population program all over the world.
Nigeria approximately accounts for 58,000 maternal deaths yearly according to the world health organization, which translates to a 19 percent global rate.
This population and development growth conference hopes to ensure that a world is created where no woman dies during child birth and a world where every woman is empowered to make a decision.
The need for the gathering is to ensure it provides couples and individuals, especially women, the basic right to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have the information, education and the means to do so safely and effectively.